Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/13/12 Morning Thoughts..

As tears of joy fall down my face, I'm so grateful for remembering this love that dwells inside of me.  I'm so grateful for remembering that everything I need resides within me.  It's a fact I've forgotten from 9 years ago.  And for that matter, a fact I've forgotten from before my time here.

But how does one remember this when they are inundated with "the world"?  With tv, with work, with negativity and illusion all around, all abound?

First of all, we must remember that we have no choice.  It is our job, our top priority, our most important daily task, to focus on the God within. For those of you that aren't religious and the word God throws you off.. focus on the peace and stillness within.  Nah, that just doesn't resonate the same.  I think you need to focus on the God within, the Christ, the energy that springs forth and provides more and more love.

We must make this daily desk our number one priority. As soon as our eyes open, we must remember the gift of spirit that has been bestowed upon us.  We must remember that there is nothing we have to find, receive, get back, make  happen, or make someone else do.  Everything we need resides in us.  I know that sounds crazy.  But it is the truth.  The light is within.  All it needs is acknowledgement but make it constant.  Make the acknowledgement of the love inside, the deepest most passionate love affair you ever had.   See and feel it in between your eyes, let your 3rd eye resonate, feel it rising from your heart.  It feels so good.  How did I live without this feeling for so long?

My friends.. I hope you can forgive me for forgetting the presence.  I was no good without it.  I'm so sorry that I got caught up with life.  But it was actually death that I was caught up with.. well separation.  Separation from this beautiful source that provides everything by just an acknowledgement of its presence.

I have no time to stress about anything now that this presence is so strong.

I attribute a lot of this rekindled joy to surrounding myself/dating someone who is in constant communion with "it".  Constantly reminding me of the joy of the love affair with spirit, while simultaneously experiencing the joy of the love affair we have just began.  I'm so grateful for him.  He came at the right time.. well, of course he did.

Thank you Joel S. Goldsmith.. "Leave Your Nets" has inspired me this morning.