Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Have to See You

Out of the 40 or so songs I've made in my short career, I may be the most proud of this one so far.

The words and the feeling tone for "I Have to See You" were ready for years. However, every time I took it to a producer, they would try to create it through their filter of what passion, need, missing and wanting someone looked like. It simply wasn't the same as mine and my heart was never content with the creation.
Then one day I decided to produce the song myself. I got on my old lap top, turned on Garage Band and I obsessively played with this song day after day, after day, after day...until my heart felt fulfilled. I had produced songs before on a smaller level.. but this one I gave my all...studying all the intricacies of the software to make the song as piercing and emotionally driven as possible. People.. you know the saying, "If you want something done right, sometimes you gotta do it yourself..." Well bam! This is a prime example. No matter how hard of a task it may seem.. sometimes you have to commit and go for it! I promise, the universe will respond.

Anyways, with this song, I wanted people to feel what I felt... and remember when they felt the same. I wanted it to strike a universal chord. I really wanted it to. And I think it did : )