Is it just me? I enjoyed Clint Eastwood's speech. I appreciated the unpracticed improv, straight from the heart. I enjoyed the uncomfortable stutters of a brilliant 82 year old artist. He spoke his truth. Do I agree with him totally? No! But I appreciated it, and "I get it." I get it more then the speeches written by a team of professional speech writers, coaching their specimen on pauses for applause and in fluctuations. I mean, I usually can't last too long with these oratory diarrhetic spells... But Clint made me pay attention. And the fact that we are all talking about it today is a success for The Republican National Convention. Twitter is overflowing, Facebook is buzzing.. pop culture has focused on a convention that they are usually oblivious to. So that's a win. I know we're not talking about Romney's speech, which showed a bit of humanity and was decent. But the big picture is, his name is being mentioned a lot more than it would today, because of Clint's stage performance.. And that has to put a smile on his face.
Well, if you ask me, and I'm going to tell you anyway, because it's my blog... I think the first step in creating the possibility of Republicans and Democrats working together, is seeing where we are similar and where the shades of grey are in our personal lives. As much as I consider myself an open minded, free-spirited, liberal female, when I listen to the Republicans I see where I flip sides a little. And my floppiness happens in areas where you wouldn't women and reproduction. As much as I praise the amount of options we have, birth control, abortions, etc.. I wonder if the options lead us to live out of bounds with the natural cycles of life, which may cause emotional dysfunction, confusion and stagnation. Which then perpetuates a vicious cycle of unhappiness in the world that no one even knows how to fix, because no one even knows what it is, because no one talks about it. And I'm not saying that we should go back to the 1950's. Women should have all the choices that we have, but I understand wanting a more traditional/conservative approach to life. I might not be able to agree totally, but I can open up my mind enough to say again, "I get it."
And while we're talking, before I'm outcasted for giving praise to the Red Party, I will say that I really dig my Barack. His spirit is so beautiful. It is glaringly clear how much he cares about the United States--about people in general. And that's all I can ask for. Well.. I mean, I also ask for the economy and the job situation to be better, less homelessness, less crime, education for all, etc etc. But it's a great to start to know that the President genuinely cares about us all. And the thing is, you really can't blame Barack for America not improving "enough" in the past 4 years (although it personally has for me) No, the U.S. has not drastically improved but we can't blame Obama. He has tried so much to pass bills and change things, but when you you have emotionally immature, old, stubborn men in Congress, who won't compromise just because they don't want this president to get his way or be successful, it makes it absolutely impossible to improve the U.S. I feel we have to give Barack another 4 years, just to finally put in to place all the things he's been pushing for the past four years. I believe in him. Still.
I will admit, I also like the idea of a business man, who is worth a quarter of a billion dollars, contributing to the restructuring of our country. I get why Clint and other's support him. However, I think it should be a tag team effort. Barack in the lead with his true compassion and diplomacy. Then we'd have Mitt as a lead consultant. Ya see, what I've learned about the extremely rich is that they are a blessing and a curse because their blessing is their curse. They are stubborn. They don't compromise. They only see things one way, and don't let any other ideologies infiltrate their brain. That direct focus, makes things manifest quicker and creates quick success! It allows them to step on toes because their one point focused-ness will not be impeded by anything! They have blood on their hands because of this mentality, but they are wiping the blood with the best cashmere cloths that money can buy. I truly believe that to become as rich as some people become, you have to sell your soul a little, you have to hurt a few people. That is the rite of passage. But the outcome is a sort of prosperity that me and you have never known because we are not willing to play so dirty. We aren't even close enough to the ballgame that gets that dirty. Our consciousness is way too clean. But my point is, if we could have Barack's heart with a sprinkle of Romney, in tandem... Everyone working together to uplift the country, the world for the matter (insert a Utopic mantra playing in the back) Then we would all reach that plateau to which we've been aspiring. Am I just California dreaming? Sigh, maybe not..
Well, if you ask me, and I'm going to tell you anyway, because it's my blog... I think the first step in creating the possibility of Republicans and Democrats working together, is seeing where we are similar and where the shades of grey are in our personal lives. As much as I consider myself an open minded, free-spirited, liberal female, when I listen to the Republicans I see where I flip sides a little. And my floppiness happens in areas where you wouldn't women and reproduction. As much as I praise the amount of options we have, birth control, abortions, etc.. I wonder if the options lead us to live out of bounds with the natural cycles of life, which may cause emotional dysfunction, confusion and stagnation. Which then perpetuates a vicious cycle of unhappiness in the world that no one even knows how to fix, because no one even knows what it is, because no one talks about it. And I'm not saying that we should go back to the 1950's. Women should have all the choices that we have, but I understand wanting a more traditional/conservative approach to life. I might not be able to agree totally, but I can open up my mind enough to say again, "I get it."
Anyways, to sum it all up. I know that we all want to feel a part of a team.. We have a "this is us" and "that's them and we must all stick together," mentality! It makes us feel powerful and more in control in our lives when we have a team, hence the success of amateur and professional sports. But I beg, let us all try to see both sides of a situation, both sides in politics, both sides in our family lives, with our spouses, and so on. Let us all open our minds, and not bash another group just because our news channel, Facebook feed, or our programmed feelings are so use to bashing them. Let us all take the time and see how we really feel.. And I promise we'll see more places where we are all similar. I personally look forward to the day, that instead of the people chanting "U.S.A." at these National Conventions, that we'll all be chanting, "WORLD!"